Eliquis is considered ahigh-alert medicationbecause it can cause potentially fatal:
A patient presents the following prescription:
Amoxicillin 250 mg/5 mL
1 tsp tid x 10 days
How much of the medication, in mL, will be used during the first 5 days of therapy?
Which of the following medications is subject to aREMS programdue to the risk ofembryo-fetal toxicity?
Which of the followingclasses of medicationsis consideredhigh-alert riskinacute care and ambulatory settings?
How much of a drug prescribed at5 mg/kgshould be administered to a patient weighing132 lbs?
What volume, inmL, of morphine sulfate that comes in10 mL vials at a concentration of 5 mg/mLwill be needed to fill an order for25 mg?
According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), which of the following is a high-alert medication in an acute care setting?
Which of the following medications would require the auxiliary label"Do not lie down for 30 minutes after taking"?
Aspacerwas prescribed to accompany ametered dose inhaler (MDI), but the patient never picked it up. The spacer should be returned to:
Pharmacies may dispense a supply ofisotretinointhat will last no more than how many days?
If M-M-R II antigen were inadvertently reconstituted with a stock vial of normal saline, pharmacy staff should:
Which of the following auxiliary labels would be most appropriate for phenazopyridine?
While unpacking today's shipment, a pharmacy technician notices that a vial of Apidra arrived frozen. The technician's best course of action is to prepare the item to be:
According to USP, which of the following may be used todecontaminate human skin?
According toUSP, the breaking or separation of an oil phase that is not easily dispersed is indicative of a reaction in a(n):
A pharmacy technician receives a prescription forZyrtec 10 mg once a dayfor schizophrenia. The technician should alert the pharmacist because:
Which of the following medications usually end in "-pril" and are used torelax blood vessels?
Nurtec ODT must be stored in the original packaging until ready to use because it is sensitive to:
A package with the NDC: 76439-103-10 contains the same medication as a package with which of the following NDCs?
A pharmacy must report the theft or significant loss of which of the following medications to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)?
What volume (in mL) of adexamethasone injection (20 mg/mL)is required to administer a30 mg dose?
A prescription foracetaminophen 325 mg tabletswas inadvertently filled withacetaminophen 500 mg tablets, but the verifying pharmacist caught and corrected the mistake before dispensing. It would be most appropriate to report this situation as a(n):
Famotidine oral suspensionremains stable for a maximum of how many days following reconstitution?
Which of the following is the correct interpretation of "Sig: 1 tab PO q.i.d. p.c. & h.s."?
Which of the following should be used tohelp incorporate a solid (like powder) into an ointmentduringnonsterile compounding?
Which of the following products should bestored in a pharmacy refrigerator long-term?
Which of the following is an OTC medication indicated to treat motion sickness?
Asyndrome that can be produced by abrupt cessation or rapid dose reduction of a medicationis:
Which of the following is anon-profit organizationthat focuses oneducating healthcare providers and consumerswith the goal ofpreventing medication errors?
To decrease the risk of incorrectly filling a prescription for a drug that has a look-alike/sound-alike name, the pharmacy could:
A pharmacy technician should notify a pharmacist when a refill of sertraline is requested if the patient:
According tofederal law, a prescription for which of the following medicationsmay be transferredto another pharmacy to be refilled?
According to the FDA, a Medication Guide must be given to the patient when dispensing:
An error that has the potential to cause harm but is caught and corrected before it reaches the patient should be reported as a(n):
Whichvitaminshould be takenbefore and during pregnancyto help avoidneural tube defects?
What is the first thing a pharmacy technician should do when a body area is exposed to a hazardous substance?
A prescription for 1 pint of rifampin 1% suspension. 2 tbsp daily, will be compounded using how many 300 mg capsules of the drug?
According to the manufacturer, which of the following medications must be dispensed in its original container?
It would be most appropriate to dispose of which of the following medications as hazardous waste?
A physician prescribes5 mg/kgof a drugtwice dailyfor a patient weighing110 lbs. How many0.5 g tabletsof the drug are required for a10-day duration?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is indicated for healthcare personnel who:
Medications considered to have a narrow therapeutic index generally exhibit a(n):
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