ArchiMate® 3 Part 2 Exam
Last Update Feb 5, 2025
Total Questions : 8 With Methodical Explanation
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Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
The IT Operations (IT Ops) department at ArchiSurance has five core responsibilities, each encompassing a dedicated business process: (1) Batch Operations (Batch Ops), (2) Online Operations (Online Ops), (3) Security Operations (Security
Ops), (4) User Support and (5) Continuous Improvement. Service level agreements (SLAs) are in place for Batch Ops and Online Ops, and each Ops process generates monitoring data that is utilized by the Continuous Improvement process.
The System Ops category consists of Batch Ops, Online Ops, and Security Ops, each having an incident management sub-process. These sub-processes are triggered by Batch, Online, and Security Incidents, respectively. In the initial stages of
the incident management sub-processes, an Incident Alert is shared with the other System Ops processes by posting it to the Alert Buffer.
Batch Ops relies on a schedule that outlines all batch jobs and their dependencies. This schedule serves two sub-processes: Batch Planning, which updates the schedule for use by the Execution Management sub-process.
The Batch Ops process relies on a suite of interconnected applications to facilitate its operations. Among these applications, the Batch Scheduler plays a vital role by allowing users to manage a comprehensive database of jobs, job schedules, and
dependencies. It effectively launches batch jobs according to the information stored in the database.
Working in conjunction with the Batch Scheduler, the Batch Monitor application utilizes the job schedules as a reference point to monitor job execution. It identifies any exceptional conditions that may arise during the execution process. To ensure
effective handling of these exceptions, the Batch Monitor communicates the information to both the Batch Scheduler and the Incident Handler applications through the previously mentioned Alert Buffer.
The Incident Handler application operates based on a defined set of business rules. It uses these rules to determine the relevant systems and individuals that need to be notified in the event of each incident. Subsequently, the Incident Handler
application generates appropriate notifications according to these determinations.
Recognizing the criticality of the Batch Scheduler, Batch Monitor, and Incident Handler applications, ArchiSurance has implemented redundant hosting arrangements across multiple geographically distributed data centers. In each data center,
these three applications are supported by fully redundant virtual server clusters. Each cluster is connected to two site local area networks, both of which are further linked to separate storage array hardware devices.
Refer to the scenario
As part of an IT service management initiative, you have been assigned the task to show how applications and technology support the Batch Ops process. This should show the relationships between the applications, their functions, the data
they access, and the technology that hosts the applications and data, along with the networks that connect the servers. It is only necessary to model a single data center.
Which of the following answers provides the most complete and accurate model?
Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
ArchiCar has been a market leader in the premium priced luxury car sector for the last decade. Its product leadership strategy has brought superior products to market, and enabled ArchiCar to achieve premium prices for its cars. This strategy has
been widely successful in the past, but recently competitors have been offering comparable products and taking significant market share. The governing board of ArchiCar has identified opportunities in emerging markets where the ArchiCar brand
is associated with luxury and high performance products, but is thought to be too expensive for mass-market success. Based on this assessment, the board has made the decision to setup a subsidiary company to mass-produce affordable cars
locally. This will be achieved by focusing on a strategy of operational excellence. Such a strategy is ideal for such markets where customers value cost over other factors.
To facilitate this strategic transformation, the project has been divided into multiple phases within a five-year program. The initial phase, known as "Achieving Operational Excellence," is underway. The engineering team has begun devising an
action plan to drive the necessary changes and outlining the technological conditions that must be met. The product architect has identified three current capabilities - industry-leading engineering, high-quality materials sourcing, and cutting-edge
focussed R&D - along with their contributions to the new production philosophy.
Moving forward, it has been determined that two out of the three current capabilities require revision. Materials sourcing needs to be adjusted to meet optimization demands, and R&D targets must align with future goals to enable affordable
production. Additionally, process engineering is introduced as a fourth capability to shift the company's focus from products to a process-oriented approach.
The Enterprise Architecture team has been tasked with migration planning, and identifying key work packages and deliverables. They have identified two transition states between the current and future scenario. The first transition aims to adjust
current capabilities, including revising the R&D approach and procurement strategy. The second transition aims to shift from a product-centric mindset to a process-focused approach and adjust materials sourcing accordingly. It is important to
consider existing supplier contracts that cannot be immediately canceled during this process.
The Enterprise Architecture team has identified that the second transition must implement a process framework, in order to shift to a process focus and meet a number of requirements, including the requirement for end-to-end process thinking. As
this requirement impacts procurement processes, it also impacts the procurement strategy.
Refer to the Scenario
You have been asked to model parts of the overall scenario, including migration planning, the motivations driving the migration, and the work packages necessary to achieve the desired deliverables.
Which of the following answers best describes the scenario?