Using squid block Internet to Network and allow to Network.
Share /data directory using NFS only to members. These hosts should get read and write access on shared directory.
Port 8080
Configure the squid server to allow the Local Domain and deny to domain.
ssh service is enabled in your Server. Configure to
- Deny the ssh from domain.
- Allow the ssh service only from domain.
Share the Internet using squid for your Local LAN. Proxy server should be run on 8080 port.
One User named peter working with you as your assistance. His main responsibility is to manager users. Give the privilege to run useradd, passwd, groupadd, userdel, groupdel, usermod command using sudo.
There are mixed lots of System running on Linux and Windows OS. Some users are working on Windows Operating System. There is a /data directory on linux server should make available on windows to user1 and user2 users on read and write mode and read only to other samba users.
Your Local Domain is Configure the send mail server for you local LAN by following these conditions.
i.Relay the mail from Network
ii.If any mail coming from domain block all mails.
iii.user5’s mail should be get by user2.
You have a domain named associated IP address is Configure the Apache web server by implementing the SSL for encryption communication.
Your LAN is connected to WAN also. You want to deny the ssh coming from WAN. Configure using iptables to allow ssh connection only from the Local LAN where you LAN IP address is
Make Secondary belongs the jeff and marion users on sysusers group. But harold user should not belongs to sysusers group.
One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well as size should be increased online.
There are two different networks and Where and IP Address are assigned on Server. Verify your network settings by pinging Network’s Host.
Successfully resolv to where your DNS server is
Add a new logical partition having size 100MB and create the /data which will be the mount point for the new partition.
There is a server having and Your System lies on Make successfully ping to by Assigning following IP: 172.24.0.x Where x is your station number.
You Completely Install the Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 on your System. While start the system, it’s giving error to load X window System. How will you fix that problem and make boot successfully run X Window System.
You are giving RHCE exam. You should boot the system in Run level 3. When you start the system after while it is going on runlevel 6 : like
INIT: Entering Run level 6
Sending TERM Single
Fix the problem and boot the system.
There is a HTTP server and all required packages are dumped in /var/www/html/rhel4 of that server. Install the Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 by creating following partitions:
swap2X256 (RAM SIZE)
Raw printer named printerx where x is your station number is installed and shared on Install the shared printer on your PC to connect shared printer using IPP Protocols. Your server is
Install the Redhat Linux RHEL 4 through NFS. Where your Server is having IP and shared /var/ftp/pub. The size of the partitions are listed below:
/boot 512
/var 1028
Swap->1.5 of RAM Size
/documentconfigure the RAID Level 0 of remaining all free space.
After completing the installation through NFS solve the following questions. There are two networks and As well as there are two domains on network and on network. Your system is based on domain.
One Package named zsh is dump on under pub directory. Install the package from ftp server.
One Logical Volume named /dev/test0/testvolume1 is created. The initial Size of that disk is 100MB now you required more 200MB. Increase the size of Logical Volume, size should be increase on online.
neo user tried by:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70
files created successfully. Again neo tried to create file having 70K using following command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70
But he is unable to create the file. Make the user can create the file less then 70K.
Quota is implemented on /data but not working properly. Find out the
Problem and implement the quota to user1 to have a soft limit 60 inodes
(files) and hard limit of 70 inodes (files).
Dig, Resolve to successfully through DNS Where DNS server is
You are giving the RHCE exam. Now you should boot your System properly. When you started your System, You got one message that.
INIT Entering runlevel 9
INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
How will you boot your System properly?
Your system is giving error to load X window System. Make successfully boot your system in runlevel5.
You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server. How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
You are administrator of Certkiller network. First time you are going to take the full backup of all user’s home directory. Take the full backup of /home on /tmp/back file.
Who ever creates the files/directories on /data group owner should be automatically should be the same group owner of /data.