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How is the semantics (or the MOF elements represented?
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Let E be a UML 2.5 NamedElement with a name property of '_name" and with a nameExpression property of "_expresslon".
Which one presentation or set of presentations of the name of E in a tool conforms to the OMG specification?
Choose the correct answer:
Which statement is correct about working with multiple profiles?
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Consider the following UML diagram fragments:
The letters X and Y are placeholders. What should X and Y be?
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Which subclasses ofClassifiers can be parameterized and used as Template Parameters?
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Which statement is correct about StateMachme Redefinition?
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A developer wants to make sure that each specialization of Class Bicycle has its own unique set of values for the suitable road surface and average speed
Which diagram imposes these requirements?
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Which capability Is provided by the Profile mechanism?
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Consider the following diagram fragment:
Which statement is correct?
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A modeler wants to develop a customization for a standard UML tool that provides the ability to specify CORBA physical Components.
Which approach should the modeler use?
Choose the correct answer:
Which capability enables the discovery and manipulation ofmetaobjects and metadata''
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What characterizes the generalization relationship between two Classifiers wherethe child can NOT be substituted for the parent?
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In addition to stereotypes, which UML elements can a profile define?
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Which statement is correct about the compiled model resulting from Alt text?
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What is the main purpose of the concept of Extent in MOF?
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Which class sits at the top of the MOF class hierarchy?
Choose the correct answer: Consider the following definition:
Which statement is correct about elements referred to in the illustration?
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following profile:
Which statement is true?