This is because a grouping is a composite element that aggregates or groups other elements based on some common characteristic or purpose. A course of action is a motivation element that represents an approach or plan for achieving some goal. An aggregation is a structural relationship that models the whole-part hierarchy between elements. A contract is a passive structure element that represents a formal or informal specification of an agreement between a provider and a consumer that specifies the rights and obligations associated with a product or service.
ased on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, a grouping is a composite element that consists of other concepts, from one or more aspects or layers of the ArchiMate language. A grouping can be used to model a logical or physical grouping of elements that belong together based on some criteria. A grouping can itself aggregate or compose other groupings, leading to a hierarchy of these elements.
References: ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, Chapter 4 Generic Metamodel, Section 4.1 Behavior and Structure Elements, Subsection 4.1.5 Composite Elements 1; Composite Elements | Enterprise Architect User Guide 2.
Questions 5
Consider the following diagram showing a system used for settling injury claims:
Which answer correctly describes this diagram?
The MEDINFO application realizes the Medical Information service, and accesses a data object called MEDBASE-
The MEDINFO application serves the Medical Information department, and accesses a data object called MEDBASE_
The Medical Information application uses a back-end module called MEDINFO to access a data object called MEDBASE.
The MED8ASE application uses MEDINFO middleware to present the Medical Information user interface.
Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an application component represents a modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a software system that encapsulates its behavior and data. An application service represents an explicitly defined exposed application behavior. A data object represents data structured for automated processing. A realization relationship indicates that an entity plays a critical role in the creation, achievement, sustenance, or operation of a more abstract entity. An access relationship models the ability of behavior and active structure elements to observe or act upon passive structure elements. The diagram uses a realization relationship from the MEDINFO application component to the Medical Information service to indicate that the application component realizes the service. The diagram also uses an access relationship from the MEDINFO application component to the MEDBASE data object to indicate that the application component accesses the data object.
Based on the ArchiMate 3 documents or objectives, an aggregation relationship indicates that an element groups a number of other concepts. The aggregation relationship has been inspired by the aggregation relationship in UML class diagrams. Unlike composition, aggregation does not imply an existence dependency between the aggregating and aggregated concepts. The notation for an aggregation relationship is a solid line with an empty diamond at the end that points to the whole element. The diagram uses an aggregation relationship from the bottom elements to the top element to indicate that the top element groups the bottom elements.