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NPPE National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE) Exam Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which of the following statements regarding expert witnesses is incorrect?



They have an obligation to remain neutral.


They can testify about the standard of care required by a contract.


They cannot charge a fee that Is dependent on the outcome of the case.


They cannot be hired by a defendant or plaintiff and must be appointed by the court.

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Questions 5

A licensed professional Is employed at engineering firm Company A and Is in the process of preparing a Did on a municipal construction project. The professional has a very close friend who works for competing firm Company B, which Is actively bidding on the same project. The friend contacts the professional about an attractive Job opportunity at Company B. The friend adds that the job opportunity (» contingent on the professional providing detailed information from Company A's bid on the project. In addition, the professional will be granted a "special bonus" for providing this information.

Would it be ethical for the professional to accept the offer?



No, it would not be ethical to accept this offer as this would be a clear conflict of Interest.


Yes, it would be ethical to accept the offer as long as the professional rejects the "special bonus."


Yes, it would be ethical to accept the offer as long as the professional abandons the project and resigns in advance.


No, It would not be ethical to accept the offer as receiving a future "special bonus- represents a latent conflict of Interest.

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Questions 6

Which of the following statements regarding standards and codes used in professional practice is false?



Design codes arid standards represent the "maximum' expectation.


Codes and standards represent the "minimum" expected specifications threshold.


A purpose in establishing standards and codes is to Improve product quality, safety, and reliability.


International standards and codes promote a level of conformity and facilitate product admission into foreign markets.

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Questions 7

Technical societies provide well-organized Information for professionals with similar Interests. Which of the following statements related to technical societies is false?



Many technical societies have their own code of ethics for members.


Many technical societies promote their specific disciplines in society.


Some technical societies have copyright over specific published titles.


AM technical societies are regulated by provincial/territorial professional regulators.

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Questions 8

A licensed professional prepared a research project proposal for their employer, Alton University. The professional had signed a non-disclosure clause, which bound them from disclosing any proprietary or confidential Information related to the project proposal. When Blaney University won the project and advertised for a qualified professional to Join the project, the professional applied. During the interview, the professional disclosed their involvement with the Alton University research project proposal.

Is their disclosure potential malpractice that the interviewer should report to the professional regulator?



It Is not potential malpractice as long as they always followed the non-disclosure terms.


It is potential malpractice because their involvement in the project proposal was confidential.


It Is potential malpractice Because they could transfer proprietary knowledge and the regulator needs to be advised in order to eliminate potential liability for the Blaney research project.


It Is not potential malpractice as sharing what they know about research streams in the Alton proposal that could prove successful but that were not considered in the Blaney's proposal Is Justified.

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Questions 9

In each of the following situations, a licensed professional is Behaving unprofessionally. In which case would the professional be least likely subject to disciplinary action for negligence?



A professional managing a large construction project frequently took small amounts of money from the project for use in online gambling games.


A professional stamped construction drawings tor a new bridge across a river without thoroughly checking them in order to prevent any further project delays.


A professional working on a building design decided not to use the latest building codes as part of the design because It would cost more money and delay the project.


A professional who recently moved to a new city designed a new stormwater management system based on standards that the professional had previously used, unaware that different standards were used in the new city.

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Questions 10

Which of the following statements regarding a negligence action in civil court Is false?



In order to assist the court in understanding technical matters, an expert witness may be called to provide an opinion.


A finding of negligence in a civil suit may result in further disciplinary action by the professional regulator as double Jeopardy does not apply.


The plaintiff must prove on a balance of probabilities that the defendant knowingly and Intentionally put the plaintiff at risk through their actions.


The plaintiff must prove on a balance of probabilities that the defendant failed to meet the standard of care expected of an average professional in the field.

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Questions 11

Jane Smith, a licensed professional, is a consulting engineer working in a small town. Jane also sits on Town Council as are elected councillor, which she considers to be a part-time Job in order to help the community. For the last year, lane has been working with a developer who Is proposing a new asphalt mix for road resurfacing to help reduce the number of potholes on town roads. During a regular town council meeting where the developer's proposal was discussed, Jane publicly stated her involvement with the developer's project, did not participate in the debate, and abstained from voting. However, everyone knows that Jane is the only consulting engineer in town and has the most knowledge and expertise with this type of project.

Does Jane have a conflict of interest in this situation?



Yes, because Jane should not have worked with the developer on the new asphalt mix while she serves as an elected town councillor.


No. Because Jane fully disclosed her Business relationship with the developer at the council meeting and refrained from participating in the formal vote.


No. because Jane only works part-time as an elected councillor for the town in order to help out the community while her full-time job Is as a consultant.


Yes. because Jane is the only consulting engineer in town with the knowledge and expertise for this type of project and can Influence how council members vote.

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Questions 12

A professional member consulting for a foreign country might be subject to laws and conditions at variance with those of Canada. Which of the following statements about a professional member practicing in a foreign country is true?



The member is riot expected to maintain tie ethics of practice enforced in Canada.


The member is expected to comply with the law of the country where he or she consults.


The member should uphold Canadian laws if they conflict with those of the foreign country since they tend to be superior.


The member may disclose some Information of former clients in Canada because conflict of Interest conditions do not apply.

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Questions 13

Which of the following phrases describes a fluty that professionals have to care for the Interests of other carries over their own interests and to not act against the Interests of the other party?



Duty to warn


Fiduciary duty


Breach of duty


Risk reduction duty

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Questions 14

To prevent whistleblowing scandals from occurring, employers should not



enable employees to disclose issues within file company


encourage transparency for investigating issues


protect employees who bring issue; forward


prevent employees from disclosing Issues

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Questions 15

An unsatisfied client filed a complaint with the regulator against a consulting firm, which led to a practice review of the firm, upon review, the auditor found multiple violations of the professional practice guidelines and Inappropriate authentication/stamping practices.

What is the most severe penalty that the regulator can enforce in terms of delivering an appropriate consequence to this firm?



Issue an order to the firm to close its operations.


Issue a court order to criminally Charge the firm's ownership.


Take away the firm's Permit to Practise/Certificate of Authorization,


Take away the executive officers' arid employees' licences to practise.

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Questions 16

All of the following duties are duties of professional engineers and geoscientists to society except the duty to ensure that their work will.



promote the health and safety of the public


achieve maximum benefits for society at large


achieve maximum returns on Investment for their employer


promote the protection of the environment through socially acceptable means

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Questions 17

Tort law entitles a person who has suffered a loss to seek damages from a negligent person. Which of the following conditions may be absent from a tort action without affecting the success of the lawsuit?



The defendant breeched the duty of care.


The defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care.


The defendant had a service agreement with the plant ff.


The plaintiff suffered loss or damage and the breach was a proximate cause.

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Questions 18

In what order should the following steps of the professional's duty to report be followed when a licensed professional observes an unsafe, unethical, or Illegal environmental incident^

1. Dad do whether the problem Is caused by an Individual or by the situation and what the simplest remedial action would be.

2. Consult with the appropriate professional regulator for further guidance.

3. The professional should have a direct, but Informal personal conversation with his or her Immediate supervisor on a proposed solution. Escalate through the chain of command, If necessary.

4. Assess the situation.



1, 2, 3, 4


2, 1, 4, 3


4, 1, 3, 2


4, 3, 1, 2

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Questions 19

Sam studied engineering outside Canada and has more than 10 years of experience in his home country, where he was a senior engineer. Me recently Immigrated to Canada and was hired by an engineering company to practice in his field of expertise under the supervision of a licensed professional. Although he does not communicate with the client, he uses the title of 'Senior Engineer' in his communications within the company. He has not yet become a licensed professional in Canada.

If the Regulator becomes aware of this situation, the first thing that will likely happen is that the Regulator will



send this case to court and Sam will have to pay a fine


direct the company to suspend Sam until he becomes a licensed professional


notify Sam that he needs to register and stop using the title until he becomes a licensed professional


Initiate disciplinary action against the responsible licensed professional for supervising an unlicensed professional

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Questions 20

If a major technical project falls because of software errors, a Question that Is likely to be asked Is. "What tests were performed to ensure accuracy of the software?

Which of the following procedures is not a good software validation test?



Dummy test runs to check the program's computation using nominal entries such as zeroes or ones to get a known answer.


A full-scale duplication of the computation and associated results using similar but different software, hardware, and Input files.


Apply analytical calculations to a simpler model to find an approximate answer, and then compare It with the software output result.


Estimate possible outcomes using rough calculations and guess work, since full-scale validation can be expensive for a technical project.

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Questions 21

Which of the following terms is used most often to describe We duty that organizations have to their host communities?



Community engagement


Community relations


Social responsibility


Social welfare

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Questions 22

When requested by senior management to meet an Imminent deadline, a licensed professional can promptly authenticate a final professional work product prepared by



a busted senior licensed professional who is unavailable until after the deadline


the professional's technical manager who assumes full responsibility for the work


an Individual reporting directly to the professional whose previous work has been Impeccable


an individual whose work was prepared under the licensed professional's direct supervision and control

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Questions 23

Which of the following roles or responsibilities do regulators of professions play in society?



Render services based on advanced knowledge, skill, and Judgement, which the public take on trust.


Accept the authority to discipline members who fail to comply with proper standards of practice and conduct.


Provide technological advancements, the development of expertise, and the formulation of codes and standards.


Manage career advancement of licensed professionals in line with their level of experience, knowledge, and responsibility.

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Questions 24

In which of the following situations Is It necessary that a professional be Informed that his or her work Is being reviewed?



When public safety is involved


When proprietary matters such as trade secrets are involved


When a lawyer requests the review under solicitor-client privilege


When an association conducts a practice review to ensure continuing competency

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Questions 25

Which of the following statements gives the least justification for engineering or geoscience professionals to be considered "professional"?



They are able to Be self-employed and work directly with clients on a one-on-one basis.


They have a direct responsibility to the public for the Quality of the work that they perform.


They require specialized knowledge, based on scientific and scholarly principles. In order to perform their duties.


They are regulated by provincial/territorial Acts that commit them to High standards of achievement and conduct.

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Questions 26

The code of Ethics is established oy:



the Provincial Ethics Commission.


the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists.


an act of legislature.


the Provincial or Territorial Professional Association.

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Questions 27

A person would be committing Insider trading if the person



gave professional advice to company insiders


knowingly traded based on material Information undisclosed to the public


ware an executive purchasing shares in the company that the parson worked for


sold shares in a company following a news release, knowing the value of the shares would fall

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Questions 28

As used in relation to liability policies, the term 'duty to Indemnify" refers to the



insurer's obligation to pay claims within the scope of the policy


Insurer's obligation to pay the legal fees and other costs of defending a claim


insured party's obligation to pay the legal fees and other costs of a serious claim


Insured party's obligation to attend court to defend himself or herself and to provide required information

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Questions 29

According to most professional associations' codes of ethics. licensed professionals are required to take all of the following actions except



keeping themselves informed in order to maintain their competence


striving to advance the body of knowledge within which they practice


providing opportunities for the professional development of their subordinates


keeping a Journal and record of what they have learned for reporting personal development

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Questions 30

Amy, a professional member, works for a major Dank that has many aging ATMs nearing their end-of-life and in need of replacement. After evaluating several options. Amy recommends the most expensive option because It offers the best security. However, the bank's decision maker decides not to follow her recommendation and instead goes with the cheapest option, giving the reason that It IS the only option that fits their budget.

If. after discussing her security concerns, the bank still selects the cheapest option. Amy should



accept the decision but ensure that her concerns are documented and communicated


refuse to accept the decision and ensure that her concerns are documented


raise her concerns to the bank's board members


raise her concerns to the media

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Questions 31

Accepting personal responsibility for the quality of the work performed by a member of an occupation is often considered to be an indication of





a commitment to a code of ethics.


government regulatory authority.


quality control

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Questions 32

Ms. Jane Alt and Mr. John Doe work for Beta Company, The position of vice-president of Beta is vacant and both Ms. Alt and Mr. Doe are candidates. Ms. Alt and Mr. Doe are equally qualified and have similar successful experience profiles In the company. Which of the following actions by the CEO of Beta can be considered as the least ethical reason to choose one of the candidates?



The CEO chooses Mr. John Doe because he has good relationships with most of Beta's clients.


The CEO chooses Mr John Doe because the vice-president position is traditionally held by a male.


The CEO chooses Ms. Jane Alt because Beta does not have any women in the top management positions.


The CEO chooses Ms. Jane Alt because ne thinks Mr. John Doe may leave the company soon as a result of his good contacts.

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Questions 33

Kate Is a professional member consulting in a developing nation. Kate notices that the company has used practices in this country that will likely cause a huge Industrial waste leak into the local water supply.

Which of the following statements explains Kate's duty to the local people in this situation and what action she should take?



Kate has a duty to the local people and to the environment; she should have discussions with her manager about her concerns.


Kate has a duty to the local people and to the environment; she should inform the local government authorities of the problem.


Kate may or may not have a duty to the local people, but this type of problem is not within her authority, so to relieve herself of this stress, Kate should ask to be reassigned to a different project.


Kate does not have a duty to the local people because her company Is registered as a Canadian association and therefore only needs to follow Its laws and ethics when performing work in Canada; she should not take any action.

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Exam Code: NPPE
Exam Name: National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE) Exam
Last Update: Oct 17, 2024
Questions: 110
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