use the Trivy to scan the following images,
1. amazonlinux:1
Look for images with HIGH or CRITICAL severity vulnerabilities and store the output of the same in /opt/trivy-vulnerable.txt
A default-deny NetworkPolicy avoids to accidentally expose a Pod in a namespace that doesn't have any other NetworkPolicy defined.
Create a new default-deny NetworkPolicy named defaultdeny in the namespace testing for all traffic of type Egress.
The new NetworkPolicy must deny all Egress traffic in the namespace testing.
Apply the newly created default-deny NetworkPolicy to all Pods running in namespace testing.
The kubeadm-created cluster's Kubernetes API server was, for testing purposes, temporarily configured to allow unauthenticated and unauthorized access granting the anonymous user duster-admin access.
Reconfigure the cluster's Kubernetes API server to ensure that only authenticated and authorized REST requests are allowed.
Use authorization mode Node,RBAC and admission controller NodeRestriction.
Cleaning up, remove the ClusterRoleBinding for user system:anonymous.
You must complete this task on the following cluster/nodes: Cluster: immutable-cluster
Master node: master1
Worker node: worker1
You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:
[desk@cli] $ kubectl config use-context immutable-cluster
Context: It is best practice to design containers to be stateless and immutable.
Inspect Pods running in namespace prod and delete any Pod that is either not stateless or not immutable.
Use the following strict interpretation of stateless and immutable:
1. Pods being able to store data inside containers must be treated as not stateless.
Note: You don't have to worry whether data is actually stored inside containers or not already.
2. Pods being configured to be privileged in any way must be treated as potentially not stateless or not immutable.
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