Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0
Last Update Feb 23, 2025
Total Questions : 168
If you want to pass the Veritas VCS-277 exam on the first attempt, you need an updated study guide for the syllabus and concise and comprehensive study material which is available at Cramtick. Cramtick has all the authentic study material for the Veritas VCS-277 exam syllabus. You must go through all this information and study guide while doing the preparation and before appearing for the VCS-277 exam. Our IT professionals have planned and designed the Veritas Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 certification exam preparation guide in such a way to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics facilitating you to go through the Veritas Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 exam. We endorse you to use the preparation material mentioned in this study guide to cover the entire Veritas VCS-277 syllabus. Cramtick offers 2 formats of Veritas VCS-277 exam preparation material. Every format that is available at Cramtick aids its customers with new practice questions in PDF format that is printable as hard copies of the syllabus. Cramtick also offers a software testing engine that is GUI based can run on Windows PC and MAC machines. Our testing engine is interactive helping you to keep your test record in your profile so that you can practice more and more until fully ready for the exam.
Exam Name | Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 |
Exam Code | VCS-277 |
Actual Exam Duration | 105 minutes |
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam | 80 |
Official Information | |
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Take Self-Assessment | Use Veritas VCS-277 Practice Test to Assess your preparation - Save Time and Reduce Chances of Failure |
Section | Weight | Objectives |
EXAM AREA 1 Configure NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 | 101: Describe how to configure various master/media/client settings and host properties using the NetBackup administration console. 102: Describe how to configure removable media (tape), volume pools, volume groups, and media manager storage units. 103: Describe how to configure disk and cloud storage, storage units, and storage unit groups. 104: Describe how to configure and utilize backup policies. 105: Explain how to implement specialized backup solutions including synthetic backups, True Image Restore (TIR), multiple data streams, checkpoint restart, and the use of backup duplication solutions such as disk staging, Storage Lifecycle Policies, Auto Image Replication, and NetBackup Accelerator. 106: Describe the function, uses, configuration, and administration of the NetBackup deduplication options, such as media server deduplication, client-side deduplication, optimized duplication, and storage servers. 107: Describe how to perform catalog backup configuration tasks. 108: Describe how to configure appliances through Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH) and Appliance Web Console. |
EXAM AREA 2 Monitor and Maintain NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 | 201: Describe how to manage tape devices and tape media. 202: Describe image management concepts and how to use the NetBackup administration console to verify, expire, import, and manually duplicate backup images. 203: Describe how to manage NetBackup disk and cloud storage. 204: Interpret available reports to verify and monitor NetBackup. 205: Describe how and when to prioritize, cancel, suspend, resume, restart, retry or manually run backup and duplication jobs. 206: Describe how to initiate, prioritize, and monitor NetBackup restore jobs. 207: Describe how to interact with NetBackup on appliances 208: Describe how to manage NetBackup Appliances using Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH) and Appliance Web Console. 209: Describe how to obtain and install NetBackup Appliance updates using Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH) and Appliance Web Console. 210: Monitor NetBackup Appliances. |
EXAM AREA 3 Tune NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 | 301: Analyze, optimize, and tune NetBackup. 302: Analyze, optimize, and tune NetBackup Appliances using Appliance Shell Menu (CLISH) and Appliance Web Console |
EXAM AREA 4 Troubleshoot NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 | 401: Interpret status codes and job details in order to diagnose and troubleshoot failed jobs. 402: Troubleshoot devices and media, including connectivity between master, media, and client. 403: Troubleshoot common issues related to NetBackup disaster recovery including recovering the NetBackup catalog. 404: Troubleshoot basic NetBackup Appliance issues. |
Cramtick's authentic study material entails both practice questions and practice test. Veritas VCS-277 exam questions and practice test are the best options to appear in the exam confidently and well-prepared. In order to pass the actual Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 VCS-277 exam in the first attempt, you have to work really hard on these Veritas VCS-277 questions, offering you with updated study guide, for the whole exam syllabus. While you are studying actual questions, you should also make use of the Veritas VCS-277 practice test for self-analysis and actual exam simulation by taking it. Studying again and again of actual exam questions will remove your mistakes with the Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.0 and NetBackup Appliances 3.0 VCS-277 exam practice test. Online and windows-based, Mac-Based formats of the VCS-277 exam practice tests are available for self-assessment.
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