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SHRM-SCP SHRM Senior Certified Professional Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which company programs are most effective when developing succession plans?



Recruiting and feedback


Coaching and development


Mentoring and reorganization


Compensation and benefits

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Questions 5

Which is a strategic role of HR in merger & acquisition (M&A) due diligence?



Helping the company carry out the process faster.


Setting a timeline for the M&A project.


Analyzing the cultural aspects of the company to be acquired.


Communicating the steps of the process to employees.

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Questions 6

A large retail company opens a distribution center directly across the street from a small competing firm's distribution center and posts a sign advertising open entry-level positions. The plant manager of the small firm notices that the sign indicates the advertised salary is higher than what the firm pays its entry-level employees. The plant manager is concerned employees will leave the firm to seek work at the competing company. The plant manager notifies the HR manager of the pay differences and requests immediate pay matching for all entry-level employees. The HR manager sets up a meeting with the plant manager, compensation manager, and HR business partner to discuss the issue. They decide to increase base pay to match the competitor's base pay but only for a subset of entry-level roles identified as critical. They also decide to put the pay increase into effect immediately, and the HR manager agrees to monitor the situation over the next three months.

How should the HR manager communicate the new pay increase to current entry-level employees?



Send an email to supervisors of impacted employees requesting that they explain the change to their direct reports.


Hold in-person group meetings with impacted employees to announce their increased pay.


Send a mass email to all impacted employees explaining the pay increase.


Schedule a meeting with each impacted employee to communicate the pay increase and rationale.

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Questions 7

A start-up technology company is growing rapidly, and senior leadership would like the company to be publicly traded in the near future. The company regularly exceeds its financial goals, but outside analysts express concerns about the inconsistent practices and procedures within the company. The company values innovation, and very little attention is paid to documenting or standardizing work processes. This provides employees with a great deal of freedom to experiment in their roles, but it also leads to confusion about individual assignments and areas of responsibility. In preparation for a public offering, the company's leadership asks the HR director to gather information on best work practices in every functional area and create the required documentation.

Many team managers do not believe that documentation is necessary and they do not want to spend time creating it. How can the HR director convince them that this initiative is worthwhile?



Distribute a memo to managers informing them that senior leadership would like them to participate in the process of developing documentation.


Schedule a group meeting with all managers to answer their questions about why documenting work practices is necessary.


Send out a companywide memo explaining that having work practices and standards documented will lead to less work for employees in the future.


Present case studies to the managers that describe how other organizations have successfully implemented similar initiatives.

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Questions 8

Which group should be absolutely engaged when designing a global HR structure?










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Questions 9

During a workforce audit, an HR mobility leader discovers several expatriates who are not part of the organization's global mobility program. Which is the first step the HR leader should take in response to this discovery?



Determine if the organization is liable for possible immigration violations of these workers.


Adopt a process to track worker movement across geographies in line with immigration and tax rules.


Alert leadership that the organization may be in violation of statutory compliance.


Push for the adoption of online platforms to better integrate data of the mobile workforce.

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Questions 10

The marketing department at a large financial services company chooses five high-performing staff members every year to receive a performance award, which includes a monetary reward and recognition at an end-of-year meeting. Employees are chosen by managers in the marketing department. Each manager nominates two direct reports, and then all managers meet as a group to discuss nominees until a consensus is reached. The names of the winners are given to HR for final approval. The marketing department is preparing to begin this year's nomination process. There have been repeat winners in each of the last three years. A marketing employee files a complaint with the HR director about favoritism in the award process. Additionally, the employee points out that newer employees rarely win the award, which lowers their morale. New employees tend not to win because they spend a couple of years training and shadowing experienced employees before receiving tasks to perform independently.

How should the HR director minimize the perception of favoritism in the selection process?



Send an annual email to managers reminding them to be fair and objective.


Create a policy that prohibits an employee from winning the award more than two years in a row.


Hide employee names on nomination forms during the review and consensus discussion.


Allow non-managerial employees to nominate two peers for the performance awards.

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Questions 11

According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which working condition requires equal pay?



Separate first-shift production lines


Varied geographic locations


Different production levels


Shifts on different days of the week

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Questions 12

The executive leadership team at a global IT company with over 300,000 employees in 140 countries decides they want more information about the state of the talent at the organization. They are concerned that they do not have enough insight about the talent pool across the organization. This has prevented HR from identifying and planning for retention risks and has caused delays in filling critical positions. Additionally, leaders across the organization lack an effective way to identify the best staff for their teams and must rely on recommendations from others. The VP of HR is asked to identify a talent management software solution and oversee its companywide implementation.

After the talent management software is implemented which action should the VP of HR take to assess whether it is helping leaders identify needed talent?



Administer a survey to all leaders asking about their perceptions of the new talent management software.


Ask the talent management team if the workload has changed since implementing the software.


Send an email to all users asking them to share success stories of how the software helped them identify talent.


Meet with leaders to ask how the software has changed their ability to identify the best performers.

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Questions 13

An HR director is preparing to meet with the company president because one of the top executives has been accused of gross misconduct. Which is the best recommendation the HR director can give the president to ensure a complete and credible investigation process?



Engage a third-party resource to conduct the investigation.


Follow the company's standard procedure for conducting investigations.


Contact the appropriate governmental authority.


Suggest the president speak with the executive before proceeding.

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Questions 14

At a regional power company, managers are in charge of assigning training and development opportunities to their employees. These opportunities are sponsored by the company, and employees are entitled to their regular pay while attending training and development sessions. Recently, there has been a growing number of complaints that managers were engaging in favoritism by only assigning these training and development opportunities to their favorite employees. Favoritism violates company policy, which states that all employees must be given equal opportunities. The HR director aims to address this issue.

Senior leaders at the company express a desire to eliminate training and development opportunities because they have become too costly for the company. What should the HR director do?



Conduct a cost-benefit analysis on providing training and development opportunities to employees.


Analyze industry trends on the relationship between business performance and training and development opportunities.


Survey employees on their perceived effectiveness of training and development in improving their performance.


Implement blended training approaches to decrease training costs.

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Questions 15

How should an HR director create a workforce plan to manage headcount?



Facilitate the information-gathering process to determine talent inventory.


Identify talent gaps as a result of necessary skillset changes.


Modify the hiring plan based on attrition.


Determine the competencies needed for current open positions.

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Questions 16

Which activity expands an employee's job by providing more control responsibility, and discretion?





Job enrichment


Succession planning


Job enlargement

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Questions 17

A nonprofit health care facility conducts an engagement and culture survey, and the results indicate that employees throughout the organization believe leadership engages in favoritism by providing unequal opportunities for staff. General perceptions of the company's culture are poor, and many employees report intentions to leave their jobs. Several additional concerning findings are isolated to the philanthropic department, which is responsible for acquiring donors and securing charitable partnerships. Employees from this department report poor working relationships among staff, including gossiping and bullying among co-workers. Although the leadership team is aware of the poor working relationships in the philanthropic department, they have not asked the department director to address the issues because of the department's outstanding performance in recent years. However, after considering the recent survey results the leadership team decides to initiate a project to address the culture issues at the facility overall and within the philanthropy department specifically. The operations VP will oversee the project and ask an HR business partner (HRBP) to lead the project. The VP of operations requests that the HRBP collect additional survey data and conduct focus groups during the first phase of the project.

The philanthropy department director confides in the HRBP that behavioral issues with specific employees have not been addressed because the director prefers to avoid interpersonal confrontation. Which action should the HRBP take?



Counsel the director on strategies for establishing effective interpersonal interactions with employees.


Ask the operations VP to approve a leadership development program for the leadership team.


Gather peer feedback anonymously to help the director identity the causes of poor working relationships among employees.


Suggest that the director deliver the feedback in a written format.

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Questions 18

A company prepares to implement a system that requires employees to use their mobile phones to submit hours worked. Before implementing the system, which should the HR team consider first?



Effects of automation on the payroll processing team


Security and encryption of the transmitted information


Technology skills of the employees who will use the system


Training needed for managers to approve time recorded in the system

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Questions 19

A company is looking to launch an employee volunteer program as a creative recruiting tool. Which benefit should the HR director stress when creating a business case for this program?





Present benefits


Future benefits



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Questions 20

Due to a global health crisis a manufacturing company halts operations for an indefinite time period. The HR manager reviews the company's crisis response plan but does not find information about paying employees. Which element was most likely skipped during the crisis planning stage?



The specific health issue was not listed as a potential risk to the company.


A response team was not already identified and trained.


The impact on the company was not identified.


The company did not have an emergency payroll savings plan.

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Questions 21

In one of the warehouses of a retail company, several international employees complain to HR that the warehouse manager has forbidden them from speaking in their native language in the workplace. The HR manager speaks with the warehouse manager, who says there have been several reports that the international employees only interact with each other and they have difficulty conversing with the local employees due to language barriers. The HR manager also learns that the international employees can speak the primary language used in the company well enough to understand instructions from their supervisors. Fortunately, there have been no incidents of safety issues where language has been a barrier between local and international employees. However, senior management believes there is a lack of rapport between local and international employees and instructs the HR manager to resolve the issue.

Senior management asks the HR manager to investigate whether other warehouse locations face similar issues between local and international employees. Which approach should the HR manager take to gather the most accurate information?



Request that employees at all warehouse locations take a survey about their relationships with co-workers.


Conduct a virtual focus group with a representative number of warehouse employees across the country.


Review safety incident logs in warehouses with the most diversity in the languages spoken.


Host a meeting for employees to publicly raise concerns about language barriers in the workplace.

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Questions 22

Which process should the HR manager use to identify employees’ developmental needs and readiness for future roles?



Talent reviews


Succession planning


Workforce planning


Performance reviews

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Questions 23

A large retail company opens a distribution center directly across the street from a small competing firm's distribution center and posts a sign advertising open entry-level positions. The plant manager of the small firm notices that the sign indicates the advertised salary is higher than what the firm pays its entry-level employees. The plant manager is concerned employees will leave the firm to seek work at the competing company. The plant manager notifies the HR manager of the pay differences and requests immediate pay matching for all entry-level employees. The HR manager sets up a meeting with the plant manager, compensation manager, and HR business partner to discuss the issue. They decide to increase base pay to match the competitor's base pay but only for a subset of entry-level roles identified as critical. They also decide to put the pay increase into effect immediately, and the HR manager agrees to monitor the situation over the next three months.

How should the HR manager analyze the impact of the pay increase on entry-level employees over the three-month period?



Set up interviews with entry-level employees to identity factors responsible for the retention of current employees.


Track whether conversion rates from applicant to employee increase for entry-level positions.


Track online reviews about the company by employees and candidates.


Administer a job satisfaction survey to compare responses of employees who satisfy their pay and those who did not.

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Questions 24

The president of a large company is planning to retire soon. The president has been with the company for 40 years, the longest tenure of any employee in the company, and has been president for the last 10 years. In addition to replacing its top leader, the company is also in the midst of conducting strategic planning for the next three years. The HR director has been placed in charge of overseeing the selection and transition process for the new president and has organized a search committee consisting of external board members. The search committee has identified three internal candidates for the position and must move forward with the process of selecting one to be president.

Senior leaders at the company have learned of the upcoming transition and the identity of the candidates. What should the HR director do to ensure the senior leaders stay with the company even if their favored candidate is not selected for the job?



Hold town hall meetings with the new president for senior leaders to express their concerns.


Implement a profit-sharing program that applies to all senior leaders.


Allow all senior leaders to have a vote in the final selection decision.


Advise the new president to meet with each senior leader individually.

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Questions 25

A firm is experiencing an increase in behaviors that violate its code of ethics. Which recommendation should the VP of HR take first to reduce these incidents?



Ask management to openly discuss and support the code of ethics.


Implement a system for employees to reaffirm the code of ethics annually.


Revise the code of ethics to ensure it is clearly written.


Reprimand publicly those individuals who violate the code of ethics.

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Questions 26

Which HR strategy should have the greatest impact on promoting a culture that embraces corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate philanthropy?



Incorporate CSR concepts into learning and development programs.


Use CSR initiatives to recruit, develop, engage, and retain employees.


Build a strong partnership with corporate CSR leaders to make HR's efforts more visible.


Conduct a survey on employee views of CSR and specifically target corporate philanthropy.

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Questions 27

When designing a compensation bonus structure for an international company, it is most important for the VP of HR to analyze which cultural values in each region?



Individualism versus collectivism


Masculinity versus femininity


Low power versus high power distance


Long-term versus short-term orientation

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Questions 28

The HR VP of a firm is leading an effort to implement a risk management plan and establishes an internal team to assess the risks involved in the event there is a disruption in the supply chain. What should be the team’s first step in confidently evaluating this risk?



Identify alternative supply chain suppliers.


Assign managers to address their departments' supply chain risks.


Review the firm's strategic objectives.


Identify recurring readiness reports from its suppliers.

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Questions 29

A global manufacturing organization is dealing with a high level of attrition among machine operators as well as difficulty recruiting machine operators at a recently acquired factory. The HR director is attempting to address the issue. During exit interviews, multiple employees mention they are leaving to take higher-paying jobs at other companies in the area. The HR director of the factory in that country believes that the company needs to raise the salaries of the machine operators to address this. The HR director contacts the chief human resource officer (CHRO) to discuss the need for a salary adjustment. The CHRO is located in another country and has never been to the country where the factory is located. The CHRO reviews the most recent salary study for the region and indicates that the salaries the company is paying are competitive with other companies in the region. The CHRO also says that due to recent increases in operating expenses and declines in revenue, it would be financially irresponsible to provide raises.

The HR director feels that the executive team located in another country, does not understand the nuances of the local culture and the way the factory operates. What should the HR director do?



Prepare a report describing the aspects of the factory that the executive team needs to understand.


Record a webinar describing the aspects of the factor/ that the executive team needs to understand.

C Email the executives inviting them to contact the HR director with any questions about the factory


Conduct cultural sensitivity training for everyone on the executive team.

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Questions 30

Which demand forecasting methodology best supports a workforce management strategy regardless of industry?



Managerial judgment




Technological forecast


Work study

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Questions 31

Which is a fundamental characteristic of knowledge management in a learning organization?



Intergroup development


Centralized training function


Continuous sharing of new information

D Frequent employee surveys

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Questions 32

The global mobility team contacts an expatriate on assignment and advises that a new position has opened in the home country and a repatriation process will be initiated in two weeks. What is the most effective way to manage the repatriation process in this situation?



Extend a sincere apology to the expatriate for the untimely repatriation and offer assistance to minimize any inconveniences.


Provide a thorough job description to prepare the expatriate for the new assignment and offer to connect them to the new manager.


Assess the situation of the expatriate with regard to repatriation against current assignment terms and conditions.

D Inform the expatriate of the details of the repatriation and reassure them that everything will be handled by the home country

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Questions 33

Which best describes a conflict in the workplace?



Social conflict includes disagreement between peers such as competition.


Horizontal strain is when negotiations have failed between the union and management.


Intraorganizational conflict involves a formal dispute such as litigation.


Subjective conflict cannot result in more than one solution.

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Questions 34

An HR business partner (HRBP) in a large organization has recently been dealing with various issues with the chief human resource officer (CHRO). The HRBP reports to the CHRO. The CHRO does not consistently and clearly communicate information regarding business and strategic issues to the HRBP. The lack of communication has been presenting problems, as the HRBP's internal clients look to the HRBP for information and guidance on all HR topics and initiatives. As a result, the HRBP is often uninformed and unable to assist the clients. The lack of communication and transparency by the CHRO has been negatively impacting the HRBP and the HRBP's clients. The HRBP spends a lot of time trying to get information and often is unprepared to address client issues. In some cases, clients have received HR-related information ahead of the HRBP. Unfortunately, the CHRO has operated in this manner for years, with HR employees often feeling isolated from information and not feeling like they are part of a coherent unit. Despite this, the CHRO has expressed to the HRBP a belief that they have a very effective working relationship with one another.

The HRBP recognizes that internal clients are frustrated by the HRBP's inability to assist with issues. The HRBP is concerned internal clients are losing trust in the HR function. What should the HRBP do to address this, given that the HRBP is still trying to address the CHRO’s poor communication?



Send each client an email accepting full responsibility for the problems and promising to improve.


Meet with each client individually to discuss what each client would like the HRBP to do to improve.


Ask the CHRO to meet with each client to explain the reason for the frequent miscommunication.


Conduct a survey of internal clients to measure the level of trust in the HR function.

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Questions 35

A start-up company specializing in technology is acquired by a larger international organization located in a foreign country. Following the acquisition, a manager from the international company schedules a virtual social hour so employees on the manager's team can bond outside of work hours. During the virtual social hour, employees from the start-up experience difficulties understanding the international employees due to language barriers. An employee from the start-up writes an inappropriate comment making fun of how the international employees speak intending to send it to a co-worker but accidentally sends the message to the whole team. The manager reports the employee's behavior to an HR specialist, who documents the incident. A few weeks later the HR specialist receives an email from the employee who sent the message indicating that the employee's manager is acting hostile toward the employee, and the employee's manager mentioned that the international company should never have acquired the start-up.

The HR specialist is concerned the manager's negative comment about the acquisition will lead to other employees having negative opinions about the acquisition. Which action should the HR specialist take to address this concern?



Inform senior leadership that managers are sharing negative comments about the acquisition.


Suggest that any employees who are anxious about the acquisition talk to HR about their concerns.


Coach the manager regarding effective communication options.


Ask the manager how many others saw the comment to understand how disruptive the comment might be.

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Questions 36

When deciding whether an employee is eligible to work remotely, which factor should be considered first?



Job posting







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Questions 37

An HR business partner (HRBP) in a large organization has recently been dealing with various issues with the chief human resource officer (CHRO). The HRBP reports to the CHRO. The CHRO does not consistently and clearly communicate information regarding business and strategic issues to the HRBP. The lack of communication has been presenting problems, as the HRBP's internal clients look to the HRBP for information and guidance on all HR topics and initiatives. As a result, the HRBP is often uninformed and unable to assist the clients. The lack of communication and transparency by the CHRO has been negatively impacting the HRBP and the HRBP's clients. The HRBP spends a lot of time trying to get information and often is unprepared to address client issues. In some cases, clients have received HR-related information ahead of the HRBP. Unfortunately, the CHRO has operated in this manner for years, with HR employees often feeling isolated from information and not feeling like they are part of a coherent unit. Despite this, the CHRO has expressed to the HRBP a belief that they have a very effective working relationship with one another.

The HRBP wants to provide suggestions to the organization’s executives about how to improve communication within the company, but the CHRO does not include the HRBP in strategic discussions that the CHRO has with other executives. What should the HRBP do?



Write an email to the CHRO explaining the suggestions of the HRBP.


Schedule a meeting with the CHRO to explain the HRBP's suggestions.


Email the CHRO asking if the HRBP may attend the next strategic discussion meeting.


Meet with other executives informally to share the HRBP’s suggestion.

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Questions 38

Which element is fundamental to an inclusive global workplace?



A workplace that values individual and group differences


A company with a variety of social and cultural identities among its staff


An organization that has numerical representation of individuals from different backgrounds


A firm that has an active diversity and inclusion policy

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Questions 39

A new HR director is hired into the HR department of one at a midsize, engineering company. The HR director immediately notices that, unlike all other major departments, HR is never invited to any important meetings, or involved in strategic discussions. The president of the company sees the sole use of an HR department as meeting legal requirements and the core duties of the HR director are to onboard new employees, help them complete their paperwork and address employee complaints. The HR director sees several areas where HR can add value to the company such as improving employee engagement, automating various HR systems, and introducing a performance review process. The HR director recognizes that the company needs one to two additional HR employees to truly be able to implement these important initiatives. When the HR director asks the president about the possibility of hiring two new HR employees, the president laughs and replies that one HR employee is costing the company more than enough.

A recently hired female engineer submits an HR complaint saying that she is not given the most visible opportunities despite her being one of the most experienced engineers at the company. After confirming that this is happening what should the HR director do in response?



Meet with the employee's manager to develop a career plan to provide more visible opportunities for the employee.


Develop an equal opportunity statement and email it to all employees.


Make the engineer's manager aware of the bias and require diversity training for the team.


Form a women's mentoring group within the company.

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Questions 40

The executive leadership team at a global IT company with over 300,000 employees in 140 countries decides they want more information about the state of the talent at the organization. They are concerned that they do not have enough insight about the talent pool across the organization. This has prevented HR from identifying and planning for retention risks and has caused delays in filling critical positions. Additionally, leaders across the organization lack an effective way to identify the best staff for their teams and must rely on recommendations from others. The VP of HR is asked to identify a talent management software solution and oversee its companywide implementation.

A talent management software package has been selected. Which action should the VP of HR take to create an effective implementation project team?



Select employees who have the most knowledge about talent management software solutions.


Choose stakeholders who represent different functions and locations across the company.


Ask leaders to assign the highest performing employees from their departments to the project.


Assign leaders who have had the most challenges related to talent management to the project.

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Exam Code: SHRM-SCP
Exam Name: SHRM Senior Certified Professional
Last Update: Oct 17, 2024
Questions: 134


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