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ArchiMate 2 Combined Part 1 and 2 Examination

Last Update Feb 5, 2025
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ArchiMate 2 Combined Part 1 and 2 Examination Questions and Answers

Questions 1


Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

The ArchiSurance enterprise document management infrastructure provides critical support for myriad types of documents and document-based transactions, many of which are executed in high volume each day. At the core of the infrastructure is the document management systems software, which has three major modules: a document engine that stores, retrieves and performs a variety of operations on documents, a workflow engine that hosts document management applications, and an application engine, which hosts the most sophisticated applications. The application engine invokes the document and workflow engines as necessary when hosting application components that require their services.

The claim management application component is critical to ArchiSurance business operations. It is hosted by the application engine, and launches whenever an individual files a new claim. The claim management component requires different documents to demonstrate proof of loss depending on the type of claim filed, the type of insurance that is in force, and various other circumstances. When the correct documents are filed and verified by an intake operator, proof of loss is complete, and the claim management component assigns the claim to a claim analyst by reading and updating analyst status data and applying business rules stored as data.

Due to its business-critical nature, the document management solution is hosted redundantly at two geographically separate data center sites known as Site A and Site B. Both sites provide identical infrastructure. Each site contains a highly available data center network (DCN) that is connected to the highly available ArchiSurance wide area network (WAN). Each claim management server is connected to its site DCN, and each DCN is a converged network that connects both servers and storage arrays, including a physical storage array dedicated to the claim management application. Each site contains four high-powered separate physical serversrules stored as data.

Due to its business-critical nature, the document management solution is hosted redundantly at two geographically separate data center sites known as Site A and Site B. Both sites provide identical infrastructure. Each site contains a highly available data center network (DCN) that is connected to the highly available ArchiSurance wide area network (WAN). Each claim management server is connected to its site DCN, and each DCN is a converged network that connects both servers and storage arrays, including a physical storage array dedicated to the claim management application. Each site contains four high-powered separate physical servers dedicated to the claim management application. At any one time, one server is on standby while the other three servers are, respectively, hosting the document, workflow and application engines. Each active server provides a monitoring service that is In constant two-way communication with the monitoring service on the standby server. If a server fails, the surviving monitoring services perform a failover sequence to assume failed server's workload if it was active. The surviving monitoring services also alert the operations team on duty.

Refer to the Scenario

A new IT manager has asked you to model the infrastructure hardware and networks that supports document management, including the data center sites, servers, storage, and networks as well as the services necessary for automated failover within a server cluster. Since the two data centers provide identical document management infrastructure, for Site B it is only necessary to show the associated networking.

Which is the best answer?

OG0-023 Question 1

OG0-023 Question 1

OG0-023 Question 1

OG0-023 Question 1



Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Questions 2


Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

ArchiSurance has entered into a legal agreement to acquire ArchiSpecialty, a specialty insurer that has several lines of business, including insuring organizations that conduct high-stakes contests. Prior to entering into this agreement ArchiSurance staff carefully examined the ArchiSpecialty Enterprise Architecture to develop an integration plan with four successive phases. Each phase of the plan provides a stable foundation for ArchiSurance to conduct its newly expanded business while making significant progress toward the targeted integration of ArchiSpecialty operations. The first phase of the plan, Common Ownership, will begin on the acquisition date specified in the legal agreement. The second through fourth phases will begin after their predecessors are complete.

During the Common Ownership phase, the two companies' websites will be linked to each other and their Interactive voice response(IVR) system menus will be integrated. During the second phase, known as Integrated Organizations, the corresponding ArchiSurance and ArchiSpecialty departments will be combined and all financial processing will be migrated to the original ArchiSurance systems. In the third Phase, known as Integrated Customer Operations, ArchiSpecialty customer relationship management (CRM) data will be migrated to the corresponding ArchiSurance applications. In the fourth and final phase, known as Integrated Operations, the ArchiSpecialty claims data will be migrated to the corresponding ArchiSurance applications. However, the ArchiSpecialty underwriting solution for high-stakes contests will be retained due to its unique capabilities.

The underwriting solution for high-stakes contests assists underwriters in creating a policy to insure against the possibility of a contestant winning an improbable but expensive award, such as $1 million US for hitting a hole-in-one on a golf course, or a luxury world cruise for a winning spin of a roulette wheel. In return for a single premium payment, the insurer agrees to pay the award if a contestant earns it fairly. When an underwriter receives a request for an insurance quote, either from a promotions company that isplanning the contest or from a company with its own promotions department, he uses the Contest Modeler application to precisely describe the planned contest and the coverage requested, and to store the contest model in a machine-readable format. Then, the underwriter uses the Contest Query application, which reads the contest model and queries a collection of audited contest results to find records of similar contests. Then, the underwriter uses the Contest Estimator application to estimate the premium for the coverage request, and also to produce a report with a recommended set of conditions to provide with the quote. After consulting the report, the underwriter uses the Quoting Tool application to prepare a quote for the customer. Then, the underwriter sends the quote to the customer via secure email. If the customer accepts the quote, the underwriter uses the Contract Generator to prepare t contract for the customer, which he also sends via secure email. In the contract, the customer agrees to employ a contest auditorwho will report the audited results of the contest regardless of whether prizes are awarded. The underwriter uses the Contest Tracker application to add these reports to the collection of audited contest results. Note that all reports are delivered in a standard markup language that can be read by other software programs and either processed in the background or rendered visually.

Refer to the Scenario

The ArchiSurance chief information officer has asked you to explain the unique suite of applications that ArchiSpecialty uses to underwrite high-stakes contest insurance. You must model these applications, the services they provide and the data they access.

Which answer provides the best explanation?

OG0-023 Question 2

OG0-023 Question 2

OG0-023 Question 2

OG0-023 Question 2



Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Questions 3


Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

ArchiSurance has entered into a legal agreement to acquire ArchiSpecialty, a specialty insurer that has several lines of business, including insuring organizations that conduct high-stakes contests. Prior to entering into this agreement, ArchiSurance staff carefully examined the ArchiSpecialty Enterprise Architecture to develop an integration plan with four successive phases. Each phase of the plan provides a stable foundation for ArchiSurance to conduct its newly expanded business while making significant progress toward the targeted integration of ArchiSpecialty operations. The first phase of the plan, Common Ownership, will begin on the acquisition date specified in the legal agreement. The second through fourth phases will begin after their predecessors are complete.

During the Common Ownership phase, the two companies' websites will be linked to each other and their interactive voice response (IVR) system menus will be integrated. During the second phase, known as Integrated Organizations, the corresponding ArchiSurance and ArchiSpecialty departments will be combined and all financial processing will be migrated to the original ArchiSurance systems. In the third Phase, known as Integrated Customer Operations, ArchiSpecialty customer relationship management (CRM) data will be migrated to the corresponding ArchiSurance applications. In the fourth and final phase, known as Integrated Operations, the ArchiSpecialty claims data will be migrated to the corresponding ArchiSurance applications. However, the ArchiSpecialty underwriting solution for high-stakes contests will be retained due to its unique capabilities.

The underwriting solution for high-stakes contests assists underwriters in creating a policy to insure against the possibility of a contestant winning an improbable but expensive award, such as $1 million US for hitting a hole-in-one on a golf course, or a luxury world cruise for a winning spin of a roulette wheel. In return for a single premium payment, the insurer agrees to pay the award if a contestant earns it fairly. When an underwriter receives a request for an insurance quote, either from a promotions company that is planning the contest or from a company with its own promotions department, he uses the Contest Modeler application to precisely describe the planned contest and the coverage requested, and to store the contest model in a machine-readable format. Then, the underwriter uses the Contest Query application, which reads the contest model and queries a collection of audited contest results to find records of similar contests. Then, the underwriter uses the Contest Estimator application to estimate the premium for the coverage request, and also to produce a report with a recommended set of conditions to provide with the quote. After consulting the report, the underwriter uses the Quoting Tool application to prepare a quote for the customer. Then, the underwriter sends the quote to the customer via secure email. If the customer accepts the quote, the underwriter uses the Contract Generator to prepare a contract for the customer, which he also sends via secure email. In the contract, the customer agrees to employ a contest auditor who will report the audited results of the contest regardless of whether prizes are awarded. The underwriter uses the Contest Tracker application to add these reports to the collection of audited contest results. Note that all reports are delivered in a standard markup language that can be read by other software programs and either processed in the background or rendered visually.

Refer to the Scenario

The executive in charge of the ArchiSpecialty acquisition has asked you to illustrate the integration roadmap. You must show that each phase of the acquisition realizes a separate plateau. For each plateau, you must identify the deliverables described in the scenario.

Which answer provides the best illustration?

OG0-023 Question 3

OG0-023 Question 3

OG0-023 Question 3

OG0-023 Question 3



Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D