Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8
Last Update Feb 23, 2025
Total Questions : 50
If you want to pass the Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam on the first attempt, you need an updated study guide for the syllabus and concise and comprehensive study material which is available at Cramtick. Cramtick has all the authentic study material for the Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam syllabus. You must go through all this information and study guide while doing the preparation and before appearing for the Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam. Our IT professionals have planned and designed the Acquia Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 certification exam preparation guide in such a way to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics facilitating you to go through the Acquia Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 exam. We endorse you to use the preparation material mentioned in this study guide to cover the entire Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 syllabus. Cramtick offers 2 formats of Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam preparation material. Every format that is available at Cramtick aids its customers with new practice questions in PDF format that is printable as hard copies of the syllabus. Cramtick also offers a software testing engine that is GUI based can run on Windows PC and MAC machines. Our testing engine is interactive helping you to keep your test record in your profile so that you can practice more and more until fully ready for the exam.
Exam Name | Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 |
Exam Code | Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 |
Actual Exam Duration | 75 minutes |
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam | 50 |
Exam Registration Price | $155 |
Official Information | |
See Expected Questions | Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Expected Questions in Actual Exam |
Take Self-Assessment | Use Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Practice Test to Assess your preparation - Save Time and Reduce Chances of Failure |
Section | Weight | Objectives |
1.0: Understanding Drupal | 3% | 1.1. Demonstrate the ability to explain the distinct and differentiating features of Drupal. 1.2. Demonstrate the understanding of Drupal jargon and terminology. |
2.0: Working with a Drupal site. | 10% | 2.1 Given a scenario, determine how administration tools are used for site management. 2.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate ability to configure user accounts. 2.3 Given a scenario of a completed content item, identify which elements are taxonomy terms, image fields or text fields. 2.4 Given an example of a page layout, determine what is content versus a block. 2.5 Demonstrate an ability to troubleshoot problems related to content, configuration and maintenance. |
3.0: Content modeling | 12% | 3.1 Demonstrate ability to model content using content types and vocabularies. 3.2 Demonstrate ability to configure and manage comment types and comments. 3.3 Demonstrate ability to configure and manage block types and blocks. 3.4 Demonstrate ability to configure and manage contact forms. 3.5 Demonstrate ability to configure and use multilingual content and interface. 3.6 Demonstrate ability to configure and manage menus, menu items and menu blocks. |
4.0: Site display | 6% | 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to control the display of content across various regions of the site using the block system. 4.2 Demonstrate the ability to provide different presentations of content entities (like nodes, comments, user profiles, terms, etc.) for editing or viewing. 4.3 Demonstrate the ability to to create, manage and display lists of content using Drupal views. |
5.0: Site configuration | 7% | 5.1 Demonstrate the ability to use the various options related to site configuration like account settings, content authoring, development, search, site and system settings, media. 5.2 Demonstrate the ability to use the configuration and synchronization options to import, export, compare configuration across environments. |
6.0: Community and contributed projects | 4% | 6.1 Given a scenario, identify when a contributed module would be needed. 6.2 Given example project data, evaluate the health of projects. 6.3 Identify ways of community participation. 6.4 Demonstrate knowledge of how to report issues against either core or contributed modules. |
7.0: Module and theme management | 4% | 7.1 Demonstrate the ability to add, update, and remove contributed modules. 7.2 Demonstrate the ability to add, update, and remove contributed themes. |
8.0: Security and performance | 4% | 8.1 Identify security issues resulting from site configuration. 8.2 Identify performance issues resulting from site configuration |
Cramtick's authentic study material entails both practice questions and practice test. Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam questions and practice test are the best options to appear in the exam confidently and well-prepared. In order to pass the actual Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam in the first attempt, you have to work really hard on these Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 questions, offering you with updated study guide, for the whole exam syllabus. While you are studying actual questions, you should also make use of the Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 practice test for self-analysis and actual exam simulation by taking it. Studying again and again of actual exam questions will remove your mistakes with the Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam practice test. Online and windows-based, Mac-Based formats of the Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam practice tests are available for self-assessment.
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